Translation Services
The German American Heritage Center & Museum does not offer translation services in-house, but we are happy to connect you with local translators.
Felden Translations
Tamara Felden offers translation of handwritten German texts in old script, such as Sütterlin, Frakur, and Kurrant.
Email (preferred): [email protected]
Phone: (309) 738-6457
In Germany
For over five years, Christiane Krug has been working as a freelance translator, specializing in converting documents written in Sütterlin and Kurrent script (16th-20th century) into Latin script. She has extensive experience in deciphering old German manuscripts and offers translation and transliteration services.
She transliterates script into standard German, but can also translate into English.
Find more information and price estimates here:
Email: [email protected]
Contact us at [email protected] to be connected with other translators.